
AI Chat Extension for SketchUp

For architects, designers, and builders looking to speed up their workflow

Let AI do the drawing

Don't start by drawing walls and windows. Just ask AI to draw what you need and modify it directly in SketchUp. Save hours with AI-generated SketchUp models

Automate tedious tasks and focus on creativity

You can ask AI the create rooms, walls, windows, doors, and more. It's as easy as chatting with the AI using the same terminology you would use with your clients and vendors.

Instant Creation

AI will draw the objects you asked for inside of SketchUp so that you can modify your model.

Chat more, build more

The more you chat with the AI, the more objects you can create.

Sign Up for Early Access

Don't miss out! Be among the first to experience the revolutionary AI Chat for SketchUp. Spots are limited, so sign up now and we'll notify you as soon as it's ready!

While you wait, try our GPT...

If you're comfortable with Developer mode in SketchUp, we have a GPT for ChatGPT that generates objects for you. Just copy and paste the Ruby code in the SketchUp Ruby Console.

We'd love to hear from you. Let us know how we can help.

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